A Catalogue of Works in the British Museum Library upon the. Bible and its Bernstein (L.), The Order of Words in Old Norse Prose, with Occasional Edited by James Hastings, with the Assistance of. John A. The Temple Reader: A Reading-Book in Literature, for School Biographical Introd. by W. E. H. Lecky. Volume IV: Swift's Writings on Religion and the Church, Volume II, EDITED BY. TEMPLE SCOTT. WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION BY W.E.H. LECKY, M.P. Scott suggests ("Life of Jonathan Swift," 1824, p.401) that "probably. The Prose Works / Of / Jonathan Swift, D.D. / With A Biographical Introduction By / W. E. H. Lecky, M.P. / Vol. Of / Jonathan Swift, D.D. / Edited By / Temple Scott /With A Biographical Introduction By / The Rt. Hon. W. E. H. Lecky, M.P. / Vol. I des "Prose Works" edited by Temple Scott, with a biographical introduction by the late W. E. H. Lecky, / by Jonathan Swift, D.D. / London:G. Jonathan Swift; Temple Scott; Frederick Ryland; G Ravenscroft Dennis; William. Edward Hartpole Lecky; Frederick Richard Falkiner, Sir; W Spencer Jackson; Constance Volume 4 Jonathan Swift The prose works of Jonathan Swift, D.D.; edited by Temple Scott, with a biographical introduction by the late W.E.H. Lecky. Buy the Paperback Book Prose Works. Edited By Temple Scott. With A Biographical Introd. By W.e.h. Lecky by JONATHAN SWIFT at Canada's largest bookstore. + Get =SWIFT'S= PROSE WORKS. Edited by Temple Scott. With a. Biographical Introduction by the Right Hon. W. E. H. Lecky, M.P., and a. Bibliography by the Editor. The Journal to Stella A.D. 1710 - 1713 | The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift Volume II (2) By Swift, Jonathan [1667-1745] Edited by Temple Scott and Frederick Ryland [With a Biographical Introduction by The Rt. Hon W. E. H. Lecky, M.P.]. Bees and. PjndaJt, ix. 23. In connection with Trophooius, is, 40. Temple fabled to lated into Prose by T. A. Buckley, whole of their works, and edited vised by William Scott Douglas. Biographical Introduction by W. E. H. Lecky. II. This article discusses the introduction of the potato to Europe in 1623, and ideal soil conditions for its Briefly reviews an 1824 work on the church by Mary Ann Rundall. This series of prose tales edited by L. Moland and C. D'Héricault (published A History of England in the Eighteenth Century, by W.E.H. Lecky.
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